Welcome to BSSM Encounter Room!
BSSM On-Campus is going LIVE, here on Youtube for Encounter Room!
Join us, Thursday October 19, 1PM (PT) LIVE on Youtube for:
Worship, led by @ Hannah Waters, @ Brad Klynsmith and @ Eliza Burton
Ministry times led by our First Year Overseer @ Leslie Crandall and BSSM Pastors
Prayer and prophetic encouragement from our BSSM Students over ZOOM following Encounter Room
As a school, we’re discovering what it looks like to offer God our purest expression of worship, with reverence and awe of who He is. We know our heavenly Father seeks son’s and daughters who worship Him in Spirit and in truth.
We sing “Here we are, Lord”. “We consecrate our lives with worship unto you”.
We can’t wait for you to join us!
#bssmredding #encounterroom #inspiritandtruth
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transformation through revival.
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